What Does IT Asset Management Mean For Businesses in the United States?

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When a person first hears the term “IT asset management,” their immediate response may be the question, what is IT asset management? For those who are not in the IT world, it is surprising to learn the amount of hardware and software that needs to be constantly monitored in order to ensure Cybersecurity while ensuring that an organization is using its IT resources in the best way.

What is IT asset management? An organization must understand what its IT assets are. IT assets are typically divided into software assets and hardware assets. Hardware assets are the physical assets used in the organization. This includes cell phones, computers, laptops, switches, storage volumes, etc., used during business. Software assets can be a little bit more nebulous. Software is not an entity that can be touched, brought into a warehouse, or counted on a shelf. Software asset management focuses on things like entitlements, deployment configurations, and the software licenses that an organization has. This aspect of IT asset management focuses on ensuring that these assets are being utilized in a way that harmonizes with the contractual obligation of the software vendors and maintains the security compliance and requirements of the organization in which they are being used.

A strong IT asset management program will give an organization clear visibility into its IT assets. This will reduce costs, identify theft, and minimize Cybersecurity risk.

Learn more about IT asset management, and see how Teqtivity, Inc. is leading the field by providing software that lets companies track their assets from the point of origin to disposal when you visit the website Teqtivity.com.

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