The Basics of SEO

by | Jan 15, 2015 | Web Development

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SEO stands for search engine optimization. SEO is a set of techniques that will help your website be shown higher in the results of search engines like Google. There are companies that you can hire that specialize in SEO in Santa Rosa. Ranking high in search engine results is critical for your website to grow. Most users will never go past the first page of results on a search engine. When people search for terms that relate to your website, you want your site to be one of the first ones they see. This will drive a lot of traffic to your website, and all of those people are potential customers. Let’s look into some of the basics of SEO to get a better idea of what it’s all about.

On-Page SEO

On-page SEO involves the content of your website. The web crawlers from the search engines will go through your website and pick up on topics, keywords, headings, tags, and things of this nature. This is how the search engine gets an idea as far as what your site is about. Trying to game the system by stuffing your content with keywords, however, is not the best idea. Even if it works for you at first, the search engines will catch on and it will hurt your rankings in the long run.

Off-Page SEO

Off-page SEO is more about the behind the scenes aspects of your website. The web crawlers will attempt to follow links on your main page and index your whole website. You will want to have your website set up in a way that allows the web crawler to do this. The more of your site that is indexed, the better off you are. Another outside links that lead to your website, and other websites who cite information from your website. The search engines will rank you higher based on the fact that other websites feel that your content is relevant.

Take it Slow

SEO can be a complicated thing to become good at. What you should do is take one step at a time and basically learn as you progress. Every search engine will have slightly different criteria that they use for their rankings. There will be different techniques that you need to use for different search engines. To start with, you should concentrate on Google, since they are used for the vast majority of searches online.

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